Dealing With Women …

† I was raised in a house with my father only ( may he rest in peace ) as the only male figure around. I have six sisters and no brothers , but being a tomboy among them ladies made me feel different and weird eversince we were kids. I never shared their interests or enjoyed their silly games – unless playing doctor or house with the girls next door lol !!  I am aloner , never was and never been close to anyone of them … becauise of our large number, they formed certain groups during the years and each one of them had one or two who she felt comfortable around and grew up to find out they have the same interests and therefore became just like freinds .. yet in my case , finding a person not only at home but in schools and world … in my life in general .. I never experienced this feelingf of having a true friend that helped me understand what this word really means or helped me to beleive that true friendship really did exist .. pure .. unconditional relationship between two people who just enjoyed eacho other’s compony and didn’t want anything from each other or exected anything in return but to share mutual respect and love for one another without any personal benefit to be expectyed from this relation

..† Girls loved me since I was young .. and back then I didn’t really understood what it is that they wanted from me .. Most of the girls I have been with since I was 14 or so were girlies .. and they would call me constantly and invite me along to their places .. they would get touchy and with our hormones going wild at that age .. my relationship with women were mainly more than friendship .. on the contrary .. it was with men that I experienced more of that relation than with women… and I still do feel more comfortable around them than with women cause women usually do not consider me as a female .. and moreover , thier interests , gossip , envy and jealousy … damn.. I work now in a place where 90% of its employees are women.. and till now at this age , I still feel like a freak a mong them and try to be friends with them no matter if they were girls or tomboys like me .. but it is so damn hard to find one who would be honest with you .. women are not honest .. they drop hints , and pretend to feel things that they don’t and live their lives acting to feel and be something they are not .. and I don’t understand why the fuck they would do such a thing??   Most of them do here in my society do such a thing . Are they cowards?? I don’t think so .. I beleive that they dont like to confront others and tell they how they really feel .. maybe of certain benefits that they don’t want to lose the other person.. or because they just enjoy gossping and pretending and playing a part that they are your friend in order to know your weak points , to gain your trust , and to use it if they need to in the future.  Well I am not saying that women are mean and snake-like ., but they are very clever and emotional, and they keep things in their hearts and i guess they get confused sometimes because most of them get really jealous and envious from one another but do not like to admit it

jealousy .. stop comparing her to others and make her feel , if you really love her and care about her , like the most beautiful thing in the whole world .. inner beauty is more important that the outside.. and if you want to be happy with the woman you love you should know how to treat her .. treat her like a princess .. I love women xoxo