The Best thing you can spend your time with …

ImageWhen you grow up, you learn to value the concept of time and start to organize your day and life in general more wisely by dividing this time equally to what matters most to you .  So you give time to your family and loved ones, time to spend at least meals with them and share what is happening in your life , getting them involved into your life and providing them with information about what is happening to you instead of shutting them out and building a wall between you so that no one knows anything about the other one’s life . Families will always come first no matter what . In life you go through stages and your relationships might change between you, sometimes good sometimes bad and you can’t stand being in the same room with one another.. But at least do this with your parents and those who you feel close to. Friends come and go .. and I believe people come into your life for a reason.. to show you something or to teach you a lesson.. to deliver a message to you .. each has a role to play and when their role is over they tend to disappear from your life .. or be distant , so in my opinion most friends are not reliable to spend your time with unless they are worth it . Do not waste your time with fake friends who will be around when all is good but when you need them the most , they would turn their back on you and walk away as if they don’t know you .. and here I mean both friends and lovers … Don’t be attached to such people and don’t waste your time with them unless you are really free and have nothing better to do then it is wasted time anyways. When you think about time and who is the best person to spend your time with then I believe that it should be with yourself . Know yourself .. don’t be scared to know it and spend your time surrounded by others fearing isolation. We all need to be isolated from time to time and need to be in peace within ourselves. Listen to your heart and mind .. if you didn’t do it before then at first it will be hard cause you have been ignoring and abandoning this inner voice for a long time and it will give you shit and feelings of guilt for not listening to it and  instead to others who lead you to problems and their poor advice could never be as sincere or as good as that which your heart might have giving to you .. cause everyone can lie and you can not trust the intentions of others but your heart will never lie to you and its main intention is what is best for you .. yet we intend to ignore this inner voice and listen to the lies others say .. trying to believe that there is truth out there and we are mistaken .. sadly we mostly end up coming to the conclusion that trusting your feelings is the best thing you can do and it is but very normal to doubt and mistrust what others tell you .. because you can never know what are real motives and intentions are until time proves this to you by testing them in certain situations and showing you who is fake and who is real.  So do not fear your inner voice and listen to it .. know its needs .. understand what is it trying to tell you .. and only when you reach a point when you enjoy the silence then you will know that you have reached a good relation with yourself and that there is peace within you and not conflict and pain that you used to block and shut it up by surrounding yourself with others or numbing yourself to stop it from bothering you.   They say that time spent wisely if you spent an hour with your family, an hour with your heart and loved one, and hour with God and spiritualism , hour with yourself .. and here I will add that if you spent an hour with a book is a time never considered wasted but on the contrary .. well -spent .  I enjoy writing and expressing my thoughts but at the same time reading is very necessary for you to learn and experience what others have through reading what they had been through. When you read a book, you never finish it without learning couple of things and gaining more knowledge esp the valuable books for the ancient ones which you can even download for free now on the net and instead of wasting your morning in the office gossiping and playing games with your phone or posting bullshit in FB  and twitter and other social media .. spend it in listening and reading rather than talking .. For me books have always been my passion , but in the past few years I stopped reading and just few days ago I downloaded this app where I found some really good books .. books that I heard of but never read, authors that I know but never read their work .. and to tell you the truth , I realized that spending your time with a book is the best thing you can do, it’s fun, educational , and it will never harm you in anyway but will always do you good !